collection of words of motivation

collection of words of motivation
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The realization that you do not know everything will open up opportunities to develop. In contrast, felt it would shut out all of the repairs
If you tend to want to do business without any capital (money), then you have to be creative to create added value and run the business well from whatever assets you currently own SDH. However, do not ever become mentally free, because you will lose the opportunity to try to be able to buy.


Success means it is not relative, ie grab what you want. Relatively is the success in the world, because everyone has different desires. Success essentially the same for every believer, namely ridla reach God and earn his paradise.


Where the problem is a gift we can receive wisdom and inspiration to act.


Discard the belief that there is only one way and only one right way, the way you are doing at the moment. There is another way that is better, just that you do not know how. For that you have to learn to continue to improve your search work continuously.


What is needed is how you deal with these obstacles, if you want to try to overcome or be used as an excuse to quit or give up.


Everyone will face hurdles, including those who are successful at this time. The difference is, successful people were able to overcome those obstacles.


With positive thinking, and optimism is high, you will be prepared for change. Your thoughts will determine your actions. When you are optimistic, then you will act to meet the changes.


You will be the person who is excluded if it is not prepared for change.


Critical was not only able to see the error that is not visible also able to see the truth that is not visible. Critical was not only able to analyze the existing news, but is able to detect hidden news. Do not just critical of officials, also need to be critical of the media, because the media is not guaranteed to be correct.
Bang Vinto

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