Figures SEO TerkemukaSunting

Figures SEO TerkemukaSunting
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Figures SEO TerkemukaSunting

In addition to Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, some people become figures respected and his opinions as a reference about search engines and SEO business.

Danny SullivanSunting

Former LA Times journalist who founded the Web site Search Engine Watch highlights active business development and search engine technology. Now he is actively writing and reportage on Search Engine Land.

Matt CuttsSunting

Programmer and former employees of the NSA (National Security Agency) United Serikatyang joined Google in 2001 and currently heads the team of Google's spam countermeasures. In addition to being an employee of Google, Matt Cutts is a prominent blogger. The articles in his blog as a reference SEO practitioners from around the world, because his blog is often the first source of any information regarding the development of Google's search technology. Matt Cutts is often regarded as the unofficial spokesman for Google.

Vanessa FoxSunting

Former Google employee. Vanessa is known among webmasters as a drafter and programmer who headed the project Google Webmaster Central.
Bang Vinto

adalah seorang web designer yang suka mempelajari hal hal yang baru seputar blog,template,coding,dan bisnis online,untuk mempelajari hal yang baru.